Friday, April 16, 2010

I Want To Know What Love Is

I just heard that Foreigner song on the radio and was reminded of the time I saw them perform it. In 1985.

25 years ago.


  1. Yes...when we were both in our second year of college..waaaaa!

    It's scary when a buddy at work and I were discussing John Wayne and the 21 YOA clerk had to look him up in on the internet....

  2. pseudotsuga8:15 AM

    You would think that after 25 years, they could TELL you what love is! ..heh..
    That's as bad as Grandpa Mick Jagger singing that he can't get no satisfaction...

  3. You might just be the O-word.

  4. socalmike1:34 PM

    Sucks getting old. I remember when I started teaching in 1984, I had students THEN who couldn't tell me who the four Beatles were. Now, I have students who haven't even heard of them. Sucks getting old.
