Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ever Have One Of Those Days?

Ever have one of those days where everything goes so bad that you don't know if you're angry, hurt, or lost, or maybe you're all three? Yeah, that's today.


  1. Sorry. Been there. Hopefully things will look up. Heck, we had snow, in Dallas, the second day of Spring, so things are weird all over. But it will get better-one way or another.

  2. socalmike8:25 PM

    We've ALL had those kind of days as teachers. But here's the cool thing about life - the sun will come up again tomorrow morning.
    And if it doesn't, we'll all be dead anyway.
    Life is good, Darren. Hang in there, bud.

  3. Details would make this more interesting to read....

  4. Some of them are a bit personal. But it was a really bad day.
