Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why I Like Mark Steyn

I've been saying for months that the difference between America and Europe is that, when the global economy nosedived, everywhere from Iceland to Bulgaria mobs took to the streets and besieged Parliament, demanding to know why government didn't do more for them. This is the only country in the developed world where a mass movement took to the streets to say we can do just fine if you control-freak statists would just stay the hell out of our lives, and our pockets. You can shove your non-stimulating stimulus, your jobless jobs bill, and your multitrillion-dollar porkathons. This isn't karaoke. These guys are singing "I'll do it my way" for real. link
When you expect your government to do everything for you, you're not a free person, you're a subject.


  1. He's one of my favorites as well! This was a classic!

  2. It appears I deleted two comments here instead of posting them. If you commented on this post and your comment isn't here, please do so again and accept my apology for the mistake.

  3. I agree with Mark Steyn, for the most part. However, how many years has it been since Katrina and every other place wiped out by that storm is well on it's way to recovery, with the exception of New Orleans. They didn't blame their local government - they blamed Bush. They even blamed Bush for causing the hurricaine in the first place. So, America does have it's pockets of those willing to put their very lives, as well as the lives of their children, into the benevolent yet incapable hands of big government. That's one of the reasons we have President Obama.

  4. One of his best columns. I don't look to the government to help me. Every day I ponder ways I can prevent lower standard of living or possibly raise my family’s standard of living despite the government’s actions.
