Thursday, February 11, 2010

Students Call For Climategate Investigation

Some of them get it:

Students, residents and community leaders will join together on Friday, February 12, to demand a fair and independent investigation of Michael Mann and Climategate. The University has a conflict of interest, and should not conduct an internal investigation without external oversight.


  1. allen (in Michigan)3:23 AM

    At least ClimateGate's put a rag in the mouth of all the greenie-weenies who'd respond to every criticism of global warming with that claim of consensus among climate scientists.

  2. I have never believed in global warming and a few years ago I had some students ask me what I thought about it and I told them. They thought I was crazy and couldn't believe that I didn't think global warming existed.

    Now, as all of this information pours out about information being manipulated or made up I just sit back and laugh. I have one of those students this year and I asked him about the whole climategate thing and he coudln't answer me.

    BTW, he is our campus' young democrat president. I have had him in class for 3 years now. I have enjoyed our political conversations for awhile now. The day after Scott Brown won the senate seat, I just looked at him when and he told me not to say a word (he lived in Boston for 7 years growing up too). Or when I told the class that everyone would be getting whatever the class average was. At the time it was a 74%. I told them that we should redistribute the points to help out those who didn't quite understand the material. He knew where I was going right away, but the rest of the class didn't. Of course the A's & B's got upset, while the C's, D's, & F's were ok with it. To top it off, I told the class that we don't expect the lower students to learn that much, so the A's & B's would need to work harder to bring up the class average. The response is always the same, the high students then say "what's the point of working hard if you are just going to take it away?" Teachable moment.

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Mr. W,
    You are my hero. If I didn't teach Science, I would use that in my class. I am afraid my left-leaning admin might think I was indoctrinating. I won't go into what is said in a Civics class here though...


  4. Considering their escalating tuition is paying his bloated salary, I think they have a legitimate complaint.

  5. I teach math, but it's a universal teaching moment because it deals with grades and every class has some kind of grade system.
