Friday, January 22, 2010

What Leader?

Guantanamo Bay--not closed one year later. Fail.
No Lobbyists In The Administration--fail
Cap and Trade--still breathing, but hopefully doomed
Stimulus--we could have had 10% unemployment without blowing about $1 trillion, and there's talk of another. Fail.
Cash For Clunkers--fail
Smart Diplomacy, appeasing Iran and Venezuela--fail
Chicago Olympics--fail
Global Warming Conference--fail
Card Check--not raised yet, but keep an eye out
Fairness Doctrine--tip-toeing around the edges, keep an eye out
Transparency In Government--fail
Health Care Reform--still breathing, but seemingly doomed

Virginia Governor's Race--fail
New Jersey Governor's Race--fail
Massachusetts Senate Race--fail

And this guy gives himself a B+?


  1. On what basis? What good do you see that he's accomplished?

  2. socalmike3:03 PM

    I was talking to some lefties the other day, and I asked them to tell me ONE THING that he has accomplished since he took office. Crickets. They couldn't think of anything. Exactly.

  3. allen (in Michigan)3:50 AM

    On the basis of an unwillingness to relinquish self-serving illusions and fond expectations.

    Socalmike, there are two areas in which Obama's managed to not make a mess of the situation. Unfortunately for lefties in those two areas he's largely continued Bush policy: Iraq and Afghanistan. So you can see why the lefties you questioned felt a trifle awkward.

  4. Talk about grade inflation...

  5. Darren,
    Look at the parents of the kids you teach. They would all give their kids an A just for showing up. This is liberalism at its finest, no competition, prizes for everyone and no real discrimination between what is good and what is not.
