Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question, the last in Movie Poster Tagline Week, was:
The Breakfast Club (1985).
I'm surprised no one got that one.

Today's question is:
A 1986 attack on which well-known newsman, in which the assailant or assailants repeatedly asked, “Kenneth, what is the frequency?”, inspired the title of REM's 1994 hit “What's The Frequency Kenneth”?


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Dan Rather, of course.

    I'm personally partial to the theory that the actual line heard used by Rather's assailant was "What? This freak's seeing Kenneth?" and that Rather was attacked by a gay man who was jealous that his boyfriend was two-timing him with Rather (who would therefore have been "on the down low" and would have reported the bizarre line in an attempt to cover up the affair).

  2. allen (in Michigan)3:15 AM

    That beacon of all that's good in journalism, Dan Rather.

  3. Wow! The Breakfast Club.
    I've probably seen that Movie 27 times too.

    I can't recall the Newsman.
    ??? Ralph Story

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    A "well-known newsman"? You got me stumped. If you would have asked that same question about a partisan shill for the Democrats, I would have answered "Dan Rather," but a *newsman* he AIN'T!


  5. Interesting, never heard of the incident. I Googled it and found I was a generation off in the guess I was going to take of Walter Cronkite.

  6. Dan Rather
