Saturday, January 02, 2010

Not Quite The Best Use For Math

Making apocalyptic predictions that the world will end in 2011. *sigh*

Numerology is to math what digging post holes is to archeology.


  1. "...Numerology is to math"

    Good line!

  2. "...Making apocalyptic predictions that the world will end in 2011."

    Minor correction. 2012 not 2011

  3. He says the 2012 Mayan deal is wrong and 2011 is Biblically-based.

  4. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Some predictions:

    The Jehova's Witness cult said Christ returned, ending the world - in 1914. So, the world ended in 1914.

    In 1973, comet Kohoutek came by, and was heralded as a sign of the imminent end of the world. So, the world ended in 1973.

    In the early 1980's, many of the planets were on the same side of the sun. People said the combined gravitational force would rip the Earth apart. So, chunks of broken Earth have been falling into interstellar space since the early 1980's.

    Edgar Whisenant had a booklet "88 reasons the Rapture will be in '88". So, the world ended in 1988.

    I saw a book of Nostradamus "prophecies", one of which said the world would be destroyed in 1998. So, the world ended in 1988.

    In the year 2000, all computers failed, and since then humanity has lived as hunter-gatherers amidst the ruins of a failed technological society. (The Y2K nutjobs predicted it, so it must be true.) So, the world ended in 2000.

    And now they are saying the world will end in 2011, 2012, or perhaps the Unix time-rollover of 2037. Sorry, it's not possible for the world to end in any of those dates - because it's already been destroyed so many times before!
