Friday, December 04, 2009

I've Heard of Child Porn, But...

There are sickos of all kinds in this world, even pedophiles. But honestly, I never even considered that there would exist someone like this:

The image of UC Davis is squeaky clean. But one of the university employees is accused of keeping a dirty and illegal secret...

Last summer, agents served a search warrant on Xiong's home. On his bedroom computer, agents found 14,000 files of images of children engaged in sexually explicit conduct; most of the children ranged in age from newborns to ten years old.

During one chat, the sender of some of the images asked Xiong what age he preferred. Xiong's reply was "All.. Babies too."

"Ewww" doesn't cut it. "OMFG" might be in the ball park.


  1. No question, there are some real sick puppies out there. Yet our society encourages it by turning them into victims.

  2. It must be the day for sick folks. I was just reading a post on the school czar's reading list for students.
    Gateway Pundit
