Sunday, December 13, 2009

Interviewing A Global Warming Nutjob

The video is 10 minutes long, but it's wildly entertaining. Lord Monckton shreds this Greenpeace supporter.

Lord Monckton: "What is interesting to me is that you don't know any of the facts about the climate at all, and yet you are wanting to change it in a particular direction. Can you explain why?"
Greenpeace member: "I think we're talking different planets."

Lord Monckton: "If you were to discover that everything I said to you about climate, that we've had global...cooling for 9 years, that we've had less hurricane activity recently than at any time in the last 30 years, that there has been no change in the extent of global sea ice, or virtually no change for the last 30 years--would you think that therefore the organization that you believe in (Greenpeace) has mislead you?"
Greenpeace supporter: "No."

There's a reason I call it the Church of Global Warming.

Update: The leaked emails from East Anglia mention this man. A lot. Has anyone shown him to be on the payroll of Big Oil?

The political stakes are now so high when it comes to the “Climategate” scandal, and motives are being questioned so loudly on both sides, that few are noticing the remarkable story at the heart of it all: a 62-year-old mining executive and squash enthusiast has, for better or worse, found his way into the centre of a major scientific melĂ©e—almost by accident—and been able to make legitimate contributions.

McIntyre first became notorious in 2003 for his statistical critique, co-authored with economist Ross McKitrick, of the “hockey stick graph” that showed global temperatures rocketing upward in the 20th century.


  1. It's rather ironic that the same people who like to giggle at the religious values of Christians are so willing to believe in what amounts to a tentative,trumped up supposition.

  2. Doubting Thomas2:05 PM

    Remind me of the proof of God, Jesus, and the unerring word in the gosples?

    Seems the AGW Church and the 'religious' churches have something in common. Dubious evidence.

    Just giggling at the tentative, trumped up 'superstitions'.

  3. Faith in a God strikes me as somewhat more realistic than faith in Al Gore.
