Friday, December 11, 2009

In Loco Parentis

Universities. Stupid rules. What a surprise.

It was a rough week for gun rights in Colorado.

First, Colorado State University voted to ban concealed firearms on campus.

Then the University of Colorado went a few steps further and cracked down on another nefarious threat: Nerf guns...

"No guns of any kind, real or toy, from air rifles to paintball guns to Nerf guns, are allowed on campus under the laws of the regents," said a statement issued by Joe E. Roy, chief of police at the University of Colorado Police Department. "We are simply enforcing a longstanding policy, not inventing a new category of enforcement"...

Chief Roy noted that Nerf guns can look real to passers-by at a distance.

Then passers-by need to get their glasses checked. And University officials need to concern themselves with more substantial issues than Nerf guns.

I'm just saying.


  1. We always used to joke that the term meant "Your parents are crazy". Seems to me that is certainly the case at CSU.

  2. I guess carpenters on campus repairing and building stuff will be required to holster their nail guns next.

  3. Here's an editorial from the Chief of police at the University of Colorado..

    Regarding CSU, what I read in the local papers is that CSU is either the only, or one of two campuses in the nation that allow guns on campus. Also, the students were in favor of the status quo, but the faculty were for changing the rules.

  4. What about marshmallow guns? Where do they stand on that?

  5. I love marshmallow guns! I'm thinking these people need to get a life.
