Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Hot Tub Is Warming Up

Recently the Ultimate Frisbee Club at school challenged the faculty to a game, played after school today.

Is it amazing how fast those kids move, or how slowly we do now?

As far as I'm concerned, the faculty/alumni team won. There are ways to interpret the final score, however, to give the opposite result.

That tub can't heat up fast enough!


  1. You might try my fountain of youth: ibuprofen. Works great for me.

  2. "There are ways to interpret the final score, however, to give the opposite result."

    Careful, you sound just like a global warming cultist!

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Just re-interpret the rules as a "living document", and adjust it to the needs of the modern society. Make the stall counts 7+

    Counting high school, undergrad, and masters (for some faculty and alumni), that gives you a three-second advantage.

    And rewards higher education!

    But yes, Vitamin I is good, too.

  4. Chanman got my drift :-)

    *Snow*drift, get it? Sometimes I slay myself.
