Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve in California

It was a clear blue sky today, although a few wispy clouds showed up in the late afternoon. It was crisp out this morning, but got up to 58 degrees.

After heading up into the foothills to visit some relatives today, my son and I stopped by Jamba Juice on the way home.

That's how we roll here in California :-)


  1. Hope you guys have a very merry one! God bless! :)

  2. We are up in Stowe, VT, where it was down to five degrees. There is a local place called McCarthys that serves a great breakfast, featuring eggnog french toast. Best in the world.

    There was an ice fog this Christmas morning. It made the place into a fairyland.


  3. pseudotsuga3:38 PM

    Ah, but not all California rolls that way!
    Things are pretty cold and chilly up in Siskiyou/Modoc county, this time of year.

  4. We had a first in my lifetime White Christmas Eve in Dallas and points north. Oklahoma was basically shut down. It didn't stay, but it surely was pretty while it lasted.
