Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

I've just returned home from Applebee's, which offered free entrees today to all veterans. I had a great meal with fellow blogger, fellow conservative, fellow father, fellow teacher, and fellow veteran Mr. Chanman.

We planned to meet at 3:00; after all, that would be well after lunch and well before dinner. Smart guys, us. When we got there, though, the lobby was packed and people were waiting outside. Many were old men in their VFW regalia, or wearing other indications of their service. I saw veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam there. If any were vets of our more recent wars they didn't wear any identifying clothing.

The promotion Applebee's had was a win-win. They got scores of customers today that they wouldn't have, we veterans felt welcomed in a restaurant that gave us a free entree, and I'm willing to bet the food servers were well-tipped.


  1. Chris Miller7:10 PM

    Glad you enjoyed your meal. Thanks for your service.

  2. It truly was an honor to serve.

  3. My three-cheese penne pasta with grilled chicken tasted twice as good as I remember it... probably because it was free!

    I will always consider it one my life's biggest honors that I got to wear U.S. Army green.

  4. Thank you for your service. Today our JROTC held a Veterans Day ceremony and breakfast. All teachers and administrators who are veterans are invited and they are entertained and fed and thanked for their service along with area vets who are invited. Dallas also had a Veteran's Day parade. I think that it took the crime-not tragedy-of Ft. Hood to bring these sacrifices to the forefront.

  5. Darren, Chanman,
    Happy Veterans Day. I had a great in school discussing Veterans Day with the students.
