Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Tuesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
Ur, located in what is today Iraq.

Today's question is:
What immediately followed the 76 trombones which led the big parade?


  1. Professor Harold Hill4:30 PM

    A hundred and ten cornets close at hand.

  2. "Seventy-six trombones caught the morning sun, with a hundred and ten cornets right behind." Obviously you are not interested in the rows and rows of the finest virtuosos or the thousands of reeds sprigging up like weeds and just want to know about the cornets. And to date myself, we played music from the Music Man in the band when I attended high school and Seventy-Six Trombones was among the numbers we played although we didn't have seventy-six members in the whole band, much less that many playing trombone. Alas, I was one of those poor cornetists who had to follow the trombones except we didn't march either so there was no following anyone except the director.

  3. allen (in Michigan)3:23 AM

    With a hundred and ten cornets just behind, I believe.

  4. MAJ K8:56 AM

    A 110 cornets right behind!

  5. Why I believe it is 110 coronets.

  6. Erica3:15 PM

    110 cornets?
