Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funky College Admissions Essays

The tripe so many of the students write is bad enough, but could you imagine being given some of these topics on which to write?

Update: Link fixed now. Thanks!


  1. When I clicked the link, it said "this page is not available"...not sure what that means.

  2. The link is broken :(

  3. The link is broken :)

  4. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Dead link.

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    It helps to have excellent BS-ing skills plus a streak of contrariness when handed topics like these.

    How I'd go after these:

    1) How do you feel about Wednesday?
    I'd treat this as a request for my opinion on the Adamms Family character and take it from there.

    2. What outrages you? (Wake Forest, 2009)
    Given the Wake Forest football team's poor performance this year, I'd probably go off on that. Maybe claim to be outraged at the schedule.

    4. In the year 2050, a movie is being made of your life. Please tell us the name of your movie and briefly summarize the story line.
    Go with something like, "NYU Alum: Portrait of a Wealthy Doner" ...

    5. What is college for?
    This is just begging to get an answer about how college is for learning grammar. There would be an emphasis on how it is bad form to have dangling prepositions in formal writing ...

    6. Are we alone? (Tufts, 2009)
    No. There is also Amherst...

    Etc ...

    -Mark Roulo

    N.B. This is funny, even if it isn't true.

  6. These are pretty standard. Since I have AP students who are applying for college, I get to read a variety of such essays. I encourage them to be honest, to avoid being wordy and to have a clear summation. But it doesn't make the themes any more insightful.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    It was certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.

  8. PeggyU1:49 PM

    "How Did You Get Caught? (or Not)" University of Chicago? Well, that explains a lot, if college admittance there is granted based on that ...
