Sunday, October 11, 2009

Teachers Unions are "Census Partners"

ACORN has fallen from the census tree, but there are still plenty of other left-wing organizations that will be contributing to the census, including the NEA and the AFT.

In short, ACORN or not, the 2010 census will be an organizing tool for the American Left.

I'm curious if the Heritage Foundation was a "census partner" back in 1990 or 2000.


  1. "...ACORN has fallen from the census tree, but there are still plenty of other left-wing organizations"

    I'm surprised that you resisted the temptation to use:

    "...plenty of other left-wing nutty organizations"

  2. Had I thought of it....

    Uh, actually, I meant to say, "I prefer not to call names." =)

  3. I am sure the local Tea Party groups would volunteer to participate. What do you want to bet their offer would be denied?
