Saturday, October 24, 2009

Shut Up And Sing

These people exist in my world for one reason and one reason only--to entertain me. Why should I care what they have to say about anything political?

Rock bands including Pearl Jam and REM have joined a coalition of musicians to support the US president's efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay prison.

Just shut up and sing. I'll even give you this nice, crisp dollar if you do.


  1. I agree, and the same goes for Noam Chomsky and Paul Krugman/

  2. Then again, Darren, they might argue we exist only to teach math and English, and that we should just shut up and teach.


  3. True that, Mazenko. However, there are the softies out there who think we teachers should teach truth and justice and "critical thinking", that we should care more about our students than merely what goes on in the classroom....

  4. I thought we were all teaching "social justice" now. My bad. As for celebrities, if you want to take the advice of folks who aren't exactly the brightest bulbs on the Holiday Bush, then go ahead and follow the high school dropouts who talk the talk on all things environmental and political but do not walk the walk. Judge Reinhold is the one exception and although I do not agree with his political views, at least he's not a hypocrit. Tell me that all those folks that show up on TMZ at Mr. Chow's are deeply concerned about the policies of this administration. Most of them can't even walk a straight line.
