Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Recent Tea Party

Zombie has yet another good one:

Since I had never before encountered an actual “Tea Party” (i.e. an anti-Obama protest by conservative, libertarian and/or right-wing voters), I was curious to see if the partiers lived up to their reputation as “extremists” (at least as portrayed by the media). But instead of scary extremism, what I found was a surprising and piercing sense of humor (something that had been mostly lacking from the angry protests of the Bush era).

Go check out his 20 Best Signs at the San Francisco Tea Party.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    A&G (radio hosts) had a interesting comment about this topic the other morning. They found that the main stream media (in this case Sunday morning shows) were using the term "tea baggers" for the tea partiers as this article states. I still haven't tried to look up the first one, but it originally got Cooper Anderson in trouble for the sexual meaning. The said Stephanopolis and guests were using it consistently. I'm afraid they were able to get it into the common lexicon.

  2. That's what libs do not understand. We have a sense of humor as well as common sense. We don't simply bow low because someone is popular. In that respect I think most Tea Partiers are from the "Show Me" state.

  3. Anonymous: Stephanopolous used that term several times last Sunday. And I am sure he's not ignorant of the subliminal meaning. It is meant to degrade. And that the MSM continues to use this term while snickering in the green rooms, shows contempt for a large segment of the voting, reading and viewing population. And they wonder why their circulation and viewer stats are down....
