Monday, October 05, 2009

No T&A for This T.A.

Sometimes, offering sex for an improved grade doesn't work well. You don't get the sex, you don't get the grade, and you come across looking like a fool (at the very least).

Via NewsAlert.


Anonymous said...

It's pretty sad that this student is stupid enough to have left a paper, er, electronic trail.

But yes, that kind of crap happens all the time.

PeggyU said...

Seriously? Why is this person bothering with college if she doesn't want to do the work? What's the point? She seems to have a backup plan in place.

Anonymous said...

"Why is this person bothering with college if she doesn't want to do the work?"

She is bothering with college because the degree will allow her to get jobs she couldn't get otherwise. For some jobs, the piece of paper is what is valuable, not the learning behind it.

Sad, but true.

-Mark Roulo

neko said...

"Why is this person bothering with college if she doesn't want to do the work?"

To get a job she that she won't actually do any work for once she gets in.

I think we all know how she plans on getting further promotions in that job.