Thursday, October 01, 2009

Meeting With The Principal Today

Today at a meeting our new principal told us that based on what he's seen in our hallways, some of our students should "get a room". No, that couldn't possibly happen at our school! What did our previous principal say regarding a "Modest Proposal" newspaper editorial on the same subject?

"I think it was in bad taste, and I think the students should be somewhat offended by it because it is making allegations about their behavior, which I don't agree with, and which I don't see on this campus," Hollingsworth said.

You can probably guess as to my opinion of the previous principal's competence, intelligence, and value as a human. And I'll tell you this--what the current principal sees in the halls is nothing compared to what was going on when I wrote my Modest Proposal. I take personal credit for cleaning up the halls as much as they have been.


  1. Did you know that your modest proposal is being used as an example for satirical writing in Rio's Journalism and AP English classes?

    It's really good.

  2. Yes, I know. And don't sound so surprised that it's good! :-)

  3. 1. Is there a link where everyone can read "A Modest Proposal"?

    2. KCRA's online editor needs glasses. ;)

  4. I don't post it online. I've been known to email it to people but that's about it.

  5. And, Hollingsworth didn't get the joke. Which is his worst indictment.

  6. The "Modest Proposal" not only links back to some beeeeeautiful writing on the plight of the Irish way-back-when, but it's a double play on words. "MODEST" proposal indeed.

    If you were SERIOUS, I'd be outraged and offended. I'm pretty sure you were in fact making "allegations about their behaviour" though. LOL
