Friday, October 02, 2009

Kill The Republicans, and Other Statements of Brotherhood and Unity

I don't hear too many Republicans out there saying to "kill the Democrats" or hoping Democrats die. But I hear a lot of liberals talking about Republican "hate speech" and how it could "incite violence" and other such verbal flatulation that is entirely unsupported with any fact.

The same cannot be said for Democratic "hate speech" and the violence it incites. One might even suggest it starts with the President, who told people "if they bring a knife to a fight, you bring a gun". The White House told people to go to town hall meetings and if people disagree with what the President wants, to "punch back twice as hard".

Ken Gladney got beaten by SEIU (that's a union, folks) thugs for having the temerity to pass out "Don't tread on me" flags at a town hall meeting. SEIU apparently got the President's message.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives writes that opposition to proposed health care reforms is un-American.

US Representative Alan Grayson, D-FL, says, on the floor of the House, that "Republicans want you to die quickly."

So-called humorist Garrison Keillor writes that the US could eliminate its deficit by denying health care to Republicans. (Question: who will pay for government once all the productive members of society have been killed?)

There's even the case of a Republican Congressman who was the target of a bomb plot.

Jimmy Carter says that opposition to the President's policies is fundamentally racist--as if we conservatives and libertarians wouldn't be protesting if President Gore or President Kerry were trying to shove this idiocy down our throats. Then Carter has the audacity (of hope!) to claim that's not what he said, completely forgetting (if he ever knew) that we live in a world of YouTube now.

Kinda puts the lie to Roger Ebert's latest blathering:
"Were liberals angry about Bush? Yes. But liberals played by the rules."
So much so that he removed those words from his column (see footnote 12:02 pm). Even Ebert doesn't want to appear that much of a fool.

If "bipartisanship" means "doing what we say" and "free speech" means "only what we want to hear", And I don't care what color the President's skin is.

Update, 10/2/09: I'd forgotten about Howard Dean's comment, "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for." I'd also forgotten about the piece by an editor for The New Republic, called "The Case for Bush Hatred", which began, "I hate President George W. Bush."

Chickens. Home. Roost?


  1. I think all of this is coming from the idea they had that they would win the political contest for health care with their victory in the White House and as the possibility of losing becomes more and more likely they aren't dealing with it well.

  2. allen (in Michigan)7:53 AM

    Yeah, kind of a reprise of the 2004 election in that the only explanation for an electorate to choose Bush over Kerry was stupidity.

    As it becomes clearer and clearer that the divinely-inspired socialized medicine is being rejected by the public the search is on for various, politically-acceptable culprits. It can't just be because a lot of people think it's a lousy idea.

    There have to be specific groups who oppose socialized medicine for the worst of reasons and lefties, never too fond of facts due to their recalcitrant nature, are looking for someone, anyone, to blame.
