Thursday, October 08, 2009

"Community" Not Invited To A Community Meeting About Youth Violence

The people in Washington know how to solve all problems.

Community leaders and parents outside Fenger are in disbelief that they are not at the breakfast table with Arne Duncan and Eric Holder.

Attorney General Holder and Secretary of Education Duncan are in town to speak, ostensibly, with the community about youth violence -- a blight on Chicago neighborhoods so vividly brought to national attention by the videotaped beating of Derrion Albert.

Parents want their kids to go to schools closer to their own neighborhoods.

1 comment:

  1. Busing, Welfare, ADFC and other social programs have done more to divide the African American family than support it. Most of the gang culture can be traced to boys raised in single parent, poverty striken families where instead of supervision and guidance they are allowed to grow up wild in the streets and join gangs for safety, for security or to create a family. None of that will be alleviated with another federal program.
