Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Communism, Socialism, Freedom, and Capitalism

Some of the biggest supporters of freedom and capitalism are those who lived under the yoke of communist oppression--or still do:

Gorki Águila is blunt in his assessment of Fidel Castro's half century of revolution: "Communism is a failure. A total failure. Please, leftists of the world-improve your capitalism! Don't choose communism!" Águila, a Havana resident, wears homemade anti-government t-shirts, frequently denounces the Castro brothers as geriatric tyrants, and heads up perhaps Cuba's only explicitly political punk band, Porno Para Ricardo. And because of his stubborn belief in free speech, he is routinely arrested on charges of "social dangerousness." Tired of his anti-regime music, Cuban authorities made the rare decision to grant Águila a visa to travel abroad, perhaps hoping that he wouldn't return.

A sample of the comments on the linked post:

  • Someone please send it to Michael Moore and all the other Castro apologists.
  • This article is total bullshit (sic). Not only is Cuba more free than the United States, it also has a better healthcare system.
  • After all, as is said: Wherever a boot is trampling on a human face, there is a rich white liberal to explain that the face is literate and enjoys the right to free medical care....


  1. "Wherever a boot is trampling on a human face, there is a rich white liberal to explain that the face is literate and enjoys the right to free medical care....

    That's hilarious!! (because it's true)

  2. But Michael Moore said Cuba and their Communist system was better. Surely he wouldn't lie and then sell tickets to make money so that he could buy more five burger bargain sacks at Sonic.
