Wednesday, September 09, 2009

When I Was A Kid...

When I was a kid, today was a holiday. September 9th, California Admission Day, commemorating that day in 1850 when California joined the union.

Not only is it not a holiday anymore, but it seems like I'm the only one who remembers that it used to be a holiday, and what the holiday was for.



  1. We need to bring back Columbus Day! We used to celebrate that! And Lincoln AND Washington's birthdays!


  2. Columbus Day was cool . . .I used to wrap my presents in small-pox infested blankets . . .

  3. Anonymous11:57 PM

    When I was a kid California was still an industrial powerhouse. Now it has devolved into an industrial-grade poorhouse run by enviro-socialist utopians who have never worked a real job a day in their lives.
