Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tuesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
New York. As for the county, we used to joke that there are 3 Mickey Mouse institutions in Orange County: Disneyland in Orange County, California; Disney World, in Orange County, Florida; and the US Military Academy, in Orange County, New York.

Today's question is:
What is the name of the United States' newest aircraft carrier?


  1. Guessing the USS Ronald Reagan

  2. MikeAT6:38 PM

    USS George HW Bush.

    The question is with this being the last of the Nimitz class carriers, what will they name the USS William J Clinton? An oil transport?...a floating whorehouse? The potential is limitless!

  3. U.S.S. George H.W. Bush--the 10th and last of the Nimitz class.

  4. MAJ K7:58 AM

    The Gerald Ford
