Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Berkeley Keeps Getting Crazier

Hard to believe, I know, but Berkeley just keeps getting more nuts. We don't call it Berzerkly for nothing.

Berkeley would become the first city in the United States to independently try to comply with U.N. treaties on torture, civil rights and racial discrimination, if the City Council passes a measure on the issue tonight...

"It's critical that cities and counties, not just nations, make these reports to the U.N.," said Ann Fagan Ginger, head of the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute in Berkeley. "To relate directly to the U.N. is the closest way we have of supporting the rights spelled out in these treaties."

It's critical? Really?



  1. Talk about the tail wagging the dog. Can we trade them to China for a city of our choosing?

  2. Let me get this straight...they are willingly obeying the laws of the UN - willingly giving themselves (and their fellow citizens) over to be judged by the corrupt UN. That does not sound America.

  3. allen (in Michigan)5:50 AM

    They're not crazy. They just refuse to accept any limits on their self-indulgence, at least when it comes to matters they can't effect.

  4. Wow, Boulder can't be far behind, I'm sure of it!
