Monday, July 20, 2009

Updated Advice For New Teachers

Lists like this are handy, but 50 items strikes me as a bit overwhelming if you're trying to give advice to a new teacher! On the other hand, that list is a great reminder of things for people (like me) who have been around the block a couple times.

I should probably get back to that book I was writing for new teachers. I might make a dime off it some day....


  1. do it-kids these days (oh dear lord did i really just write that) need to know the reality-no the touchy-feely crap that goes on in ed school-and i'm a flaming liberal!

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    If you want to get your book selling in edu-circles, make sure to include a large number of purely gratuitous photos, depicting superficially-diverse kids sitting around in groups with graphing calculators, algebra tiles, other manipulatives, and big smiles on their faces.

  3. To add to the list, never compare siblings to each other. One of my teachers tried to "encourage" my sister by comparing her to me and she never liked him after that. Just because one sibling may be good in a given subject does not mean the other will be.
