Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
The Crimean War (1853-1856), between the Russian Empire and a coalition including the British and French. The Light Brigade, a British cavalry unit commanded by Lord Cardigan, received ambiguous orders and advanced through a valley under withering Russian artillery fire. Quoting from The Reason Why (ISBN 0-525-47053-00534-160): “Some 700 horsemen had charged down the valley, and 195 had returned. The 17th Lancers were reduced to 37 troopers, the 13th Light Dragoons could muster only two officers and eight mounted men; 500 horses had been killed.”

And that's the end of Disaster Week! Now, onto "ordinary" trivia questions.

Today's question is:
On the TV show “Alice”, what was Flo's signature insult?


  1. Kiss my grits!

  2. "Kiss my grits" was more of an invitation, than an insult. Or, maybe I'm just a bit twisted.

  3. PeggyU12:28 PM

    I'm embarrassed to know this ... "Kiss my grits!"

  4. "Kiss My Grits" but in her southern vernacular it might have sounded like "kees mah gree-its"
