Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Step Into The Light, Children

It appears that Boston's mayor has seen the light regarding teachers unions:

When Mayor Thomas M. Menino of Boston announced his support of charter schools last month after years of opposition, he lauded their ability to attract and retain top-notch teachers, tailor lessons to students’ needs, and create flexible workplace rules.

The most pressing cause of his conversion, however, went unmentioned: his growing frustration with the Boston Teachers Union, which over the last few months had scuttled or stalled one key initiative after another, from education overhaul efforts to cost-saving measures...

“It’s their way or the highway; I get very frustrated by that,’’ Menino said yesterday, sitting on a marble staircase at the State House, after testifying on a bill he proposed that would enable school districts to create their own charter schools and control the state aid that goes to them. “I can’t continue to get stymied as I try to improve Boston schools.’’

Hat tip to NewsAlert.

1 comment:

  1. The NEA is run by recalcitrant do-nothings? Who knew?
