Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The New Me

I've never done this before, not even as a plebe at West Point:
24 hours should be about long enough to keep this post up, then I'll delete it. I should probably start working on that cranial farmer's tan....

Update, 7/15/09: I'm getting positive commentary via email so maybe I'll keep this posted awhile longer.


  1. Welcome to the club, fellow shaved head guy!

  2. Don't forget to use sun block!

  3. Be sure to use sunblock. They make special pomades for guys who choose the hairfree look. But a sunburn there could really hurt.

  4. Dude! I am speechless!

  5. The Governator tanks yu.....you need not shampoo, which means less time in shower which means less water that this state desperately needs.....

    Ditto on sunblock....or wear a hat. I'm not shaven or bald, but....thin up top.....

    So, just what did you eat or drink to bring about this urge ? :-)

  6. It's quite simple. I've never done it before. I've toyed with doing it before, and there's no compelling reason *not* to.

  7. If you remember, you were not allowed to shave your head at West Point in our days unless you showed up on day one with your head already shaved.
    Powers that be thought Cadets looked better in front of the GAP with hair.

  8. I did that one summer back in the early 80s. It's air conditioning, but my hair grows too fast. I had to shave my head every day. And I second the advice about sun block.

    I never noticed it before, but you're developing a resemblance to Admiral Chegwidden.

  9. I look like an admiral??? What a horrible thing to say to an army guy!

    And no, I'd long forgotten we were not allowed to have our heads shaved at WP during the Golden Age. I'd never have done so anyway, as I had a fairly solid mop that looked pretty good on me. Besides, the one time I got a crew cut I was called "Melonhead".

  10. "I look like an admiral??? What a horrible thing to say to an army guy!"

    Chill! It's a TV show. Too bad it's not still on.

  11. Looks good. I don't understand why. Maybe an easy way to take the gray away? Mid-life crisis? (Not that you look middle aged. Just a guess.) It's a lot cooler? Saving money on shampoo?

    Well, whatever the reason, it suits you. I do advise some sunscreen and a hat for your noggin, though! ;)

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Big Ed would be proud!

    SteveA '86

  13. I wonder if Big Ed is still with us....

  14. MikeAT10:22 PM

    Well, having known you for twenty years (yes, we're that old) I can honestly say it can't make you uglier!

  15. I heard he passed away a few years ago. A classmate at West Point at the time told me some folks went to the funeral. At least I believe that was the story.

  16. Must... not... comment...

  17. welcome to the club.

    I have shaved bald for about 7 years now. It's great. I recommend either head blade or gillette's fusion. enjoy
