Sunday, July 12, 2009

NEA and Gay Marriage

NEA is supposed to be a labor union. Instead, it's a combination labor union and leftist agenda pusher. What possible relationship is there between a teacher's pay, benefits, and labor conditions, and whether or not a state allows gay marriage?

I'm impressed with this quote:

NEA does not believe that a single term must be used to designate this legally recognized "equal treatment" relationship, and recommends that each state decide for itself whether "marriage," "civil union," "domestic partnership," or some other term is most appropriate based upon the cultural, social, and religious values of its citizenry.

Perhaps it's just that I'm from California and such things seem old hat to me, but are there any states that don't allow some sort of civil union? If so, which ones? And if not, what is the purpose of this new business item (NBI) except to promote gay marriage? And why should a labor union get to spend my money promoting such an issue? Answer: it shouldn't.


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    And now imagine the same statement about mixed race marriages.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I always thought it bizarre that left-wing teacher's unions (sorry for the redundancy) support abortion. Every aborted child is one less student. Every time you get a certain quantity of "one less students" then you don't need as many teachers.


  3. Was NEA promoting or against mixed race marriages? Or did it involve itself in that issue at all?

  4. And what do marriage laws have to do with working conditions or test scores?

  5. Brandon10:34 AM

    The moral of the story: don't let them spend your money; take it elsewhere. When I began teaching, I joined NEA and AEA (Alabama Ed. Asooc.) because I needed the professional liability insurance and thought it was my only choice. I later found out about what they were doing and switched to ACOE (Alabama Conference of Educators) who use my money only for the insurance and don't do any type of political backing. If I were you, I would look into joining another group.

  6. California isn't a right-to-work state. They get my money, even though I'm not even a member. It's not just, but it's the law.

  7. Brandon6:44 PM

    Living in Alabama, I wasn't even aware that teachers in other states HAD to join a union. I'm sure you've probably looked into this, but the site below tells how you can keep them from using your money for political purposes, although I'm sure they would come up with a way to justify the amount they are collecting.

  8. I've been an agency fee payer for a few years now; in fact, one of my post tags is "agency fee". Whatever, it's legalized extortion.

  9. Brandon7:27 PM

    You may want to check this out if you haven't already.
