Thursday, July 09, 2009


I had an interview yesterday. I don't have any feel for whether or not I knocked them dead, but I don't think I tubed it.


  1. There's nothing much to tell. I interviewed for an open position at another high school in my district.

  2. Why did I interview? Because I think it's time for me to work elsewhere.

  3. Good luck. With the economy the way it is, I feel lucky to have a job. My husband has been working a straight commission job since March and we are treading water. If prices skyrocket with the combination of cap and trade and the new minimum wages, I honestly do not know what we will do. It's very scary here. And we live in an area that has only been lightly kissed by this economic blowtorch. Good luck. Math teachers are always in high demand down here. I wish I was better at math. As it is, I will be seeking another job in addition so that we can have both food and a roof over our heads.

  4. I hope you get the job you want.
