Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Look, I love the Canucks. I enjoy my trips to British Columbia (the only part of Canada I've visited).

But I certainly don't want their version of health care implemented here. Socialism means waiting in line.


  1. PeggyU10:52 AM

    I live near the border, and the Canadian overflow kind of spills over here too. For example, the endocrinologist I see will take Canadian patients who come down. As a result of the demand, the wait times to get in to see this US doctor are long.

  2. Universal Car Care...


  3. The problem is that the same people who think that all their bills will be paid and their mortgages settles by a presidential fiat, also believe that this care will be "free" and that only "the rich" will be taxed. I think if they knew who the rich in this scenario really were, they would be much more concerned. But the media doesn't want to tell them, and I am sure there are more distractions that will keep them from finding out until it's too late. Did I tell you, I am taking up knitting. I think alot of people may take up knitting.
