Saturday, June 06, 2009

To The Heroes of D-Day...

...thank you.

Update: Google celebrates 25 years of Tetris:


  1. Google probably thought that honoring war heroes was politically incorrect. What a shame they are so ignorant.

  2. No doubt that on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, Google will put up a graphic celebrating International Patty Cake Day...

  3. Bing has a nice photo of Normandy Beach.

  4. pseudotsuga9:53 PM

    Well, Google *is* an international company (whatever that means) and so they must try to be PC (not that I am condoning their actions).
    But then again, I am quite sure that Google servers know what country the browser is operating in, and thus American Google users could thus find a memorial to a significant day in American history (or, one could argue, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc...)

  5. Atomic Wedgie2:32 AM

    I love that you guys *manufacture* things to get your undies in a bunch over. *And* you have the temerity to whine about trivia that offends "lefties."

    Wingnuts please: get some hobbies!

  6. Apparently one of my hobbies is getting *your* panties in a bunch. I like that.
