Thursday, June 18, 2009

Service Academies Are Not Having Trouble Finding Candidates

Applications have surged at the nation's three top military academies as tough economic times coincide with stepped-up recruiting efforts by the Army, Navy and Air Force schools, making the prospect of free college and a steady job look sweeter...

Annapolis received about 15,300 applications for about 1,230 positions — the highest number of applications the academy has received since 1988.

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., and the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., also have seen increases. Applications are up 10 percent for the class of 2013 at the Air Force Academy, from 9,001 to 9,890 for 1,350 positions.

West Point received 11,106 applications for the class of 2013, up from 10,132 the year before, or a 9 percent increase, said Col. Deborah McDonald, director of admissions. link

The academies' admissions officers seem to be doing a fine job of filling the classes with the cream of America's crop, some political correctness notwithstanding.

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