Friday, June 05, 2009

I've Been Telling You Forever...

A study from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland looking at climate data over the past century has concluded that solar variation has made a significant impact on the Earth's climate. The report concludes that evidence for climate changes based on solar radiation can be traced back as far as the Industrial Revolution.

It's the sun, folks.


  1. Scott McCall6:18 PM

    not just the sun; but ocean currents. Read about the "Younger Dryas." (cause of the last ice age)

  2. Climate Scientist Concensus8:05 PM

    No it's not, Dr. Miller.

    Your politics can affect your vote, but you cannot change the laws of physics to better match your economic ideology. Science doesn't care about your opinion or your interpretation of a single data set.

    It really doesn't. So fabricate and misrepresent all you like; none of it has any effect 0n reality.

  3. I didn't fabricate the NASA report.

    And Mars' ice caps are receding. Are they driving too many SUV's on Mars?

    I'm not the one with the political view distorting my understanding of a simple cosmic fact.

  4. You believe those damn heretics at NASA? What are you thinking? Let's be honest, Darren, they're no rocket scientists! ^_^

  5. MikeAT8:44 PM

    Does this mean ALGORE will have to get a real job…naaaaaaa, I shouldn’t be thinking like that!

  6. Clearly, then, we need to tax the sun! Or prosecute it for hate crimes against Mother Earth!

  7. allen (in Michigan)5:32 AM

    Oh Darren, you just don't understand.

    Science is done by consensus you see.

    For instance, if all the world's physicists are certain that the universe works one way and some schmoe of a patent clerk from Zurich is certain that the universe works a different way....

    OK, bad example.

    Ummm, if all the world's doctors are certain that disease is has a certain cause and some French chemist thinks there's a different, pretty crazy-seeming cause well.....

    OK, another bad example.

    Hmmm, it's almost as if scientific consensus follows scientific proof rather then the reverse. Who'da thought, hey?

    Not Al Gore for sure.

  8. NASA is a government institution - we all know the government is horribly inefficient and literally can't get anything right. Thus, I don't know how we trust this anymore than a bailout and restructuring plan.

    There's no one answer. Singular studies are a single perspective. They are valid only in and of themselves and how they contribute to the larger picture.

  9. allen (in Michigan)9:11 AM

    Sure there's one answer. It's "we don't know enough to make responsible policy recommendations".

    You won't get that answer from politicians of course. In general a politician's answer to all questions inevitably devolves to placing more power in the hands of the politician. The acquisition of power is what they live for after all and the sooner the better.

  10. OMG, The Sun is causing global warming? We must send Al Gore there

  11. This whole global warming/climate change thing is a ruse to bring about a crisis - we all know how Dems hate to see a good crisis go to waste, huh?

    If Fat Albert Gore really believed in man-made global warming and the demise of the polar bears, he wouldn't still own that huge energy-eating monster of a house in TN, leaving the lights on during the time we were all supposed to turn our lights off, and would shed some of those pounds so he wouldn't be contributing to the problem from being too fat. He's making a cajillion dollars off of this nonsense.

    The Dems are going to impose massive taxes on EVERYONE (not just the rich) in the name of mother earth and "social justice" - and the earth will not benefit and neither will the poor. More government failure. Just like with the bailouts and the mess they've created over at GM. More government intrusion into our lives. Higher and higher taxes. No sign of government cutbacks - only excesses. More and more garbage coming out in the stupid press about the Obamas going out and blowing tens of thousands of our money on a "date night" - right after he had told all of us that we were going to have to cut back. People are getting sick of the nonsense.

  12. BTW,

  13. Not Even Wrong10:42 PM

    Cherry-pick to your heart's content. Science can ignore you the same way it does flat-earthers and creationists.

    Carry on. No one cares.

  14. Obviously you care. You can't *stand* that someone disagrees with your religion.

    Flat-earthers and creationists don't bother me a bit. But those of us who don't drink the global warming kool-aid? We get under your skin.

  15. It looks to me that science isn't ignoring Darren as much as Not Even Wrong is ignoring science.
