Sunday, June 07, 2009

Hardcore Parenting

This story over at Bluebird's Classroom is amazing. If I didn't trust her I'd say she made it up.

I wonder if this would help with a class of students I had this past year, absolutely the worst class I've ever taught.


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Which subject was this worst class in?

  2. My brother in law is doing the same thing with his step son. The kid skipped classes and failed because he wasn't there more than 90% of the time. So the kid gets to work at the burger joint on the corner and pays his mom back to the tune of $25 a week. Since it will cost him $250 in total, that will be a summer lesson every week.
    Way to go Moms and Dads

  3. Thanks Darren...appreciate the kind words. I about fell over myself when I found out what this mom of one of my kids did.

    You had the worst kids ever this year, too?

  4. One class, yes. Never seen anything like it.
