Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Final Count In The Bahamas Bucket

$227, to the nearest dollar.

As I'll be going to the Bahamas soon, for the first time ever, I'm retiring the Bahamas bucket. To all my former students who have donated over the past 6 years, thank you.


  1. Wish I'd thought of that - was holding out for a Mercedes...

  2. You need to explain this one Darren. I appears to the outside observer that you are getting your students to finance your vacations. I don't think you would do that since it would be a huge ethical breach. Since I doubt this is the case, please elaborate.

    Maybe the key phrase is 'former students?' Still, I don't see how that ties in...

  3. Part of my shtick used to be how I'd never been to the Bahamas. The last day of school before Christmas break at my first year at my current school, one of my 1st period students brought me, as a Christmas present, a paint can that he'd decorated with "send Mr. Miller to the Bahamas", "spare change", etc. I've had it out 10 times in the last 6 years, usually the last day before Christmas and the last day of school. I spent a long time rolling quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies yesterday.

    Holding out for a Mercedes? I'm liking the idea of a hardtop Mercedes convertible, but an range-extended Aptera would be cool, too.
