Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Court-eous Seatmate

High school seniors Terrence Stephens and Jason Ankrah, star football players at Quince Orchard High School in Gaithersburg, Md., were sitting on a plane returning from a recruitment session at the University of Nebraska when they struck up a conversation with the man sitting next to them.

Their seat-mate just happened to be a major Cornhuskers fan.

When they started chatting, Stephens and Ankrah didn't have a clue they were holding court with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

They eventually figured it out, having already impressed him enough that he took them up on their offer to speak at their high school graduation.

A class act.


  1. I thought this was a really neat story. We need more stories about kids acting right. Good for Justice Thomas.

  2. And it looks like one will become a Husker.

  3. PeggyU9:38 PM

    Woot! Go Big Red :) That sounds nicely conservative!

  4. Did Thomas ask Scalia for permission to go, yet?
