Saturday, May 23, 2009

Segregated Proms

I'm all for allowing people to choose whether or not they want to associate with other people. We call that freedom.

The future looms large. But for the 54 students in the class of 2009 at Montgomery County High School, so, too, does the past. On May 1 — a balmy Friday evening — the white students held their senior prom. And the following night — a balmy Saturday — the black students had theirs.
Give people freedom, and some will make "unpopular" choices. And that's OK, because freedom means nothing if you're free only to do what others want you to do.

But I do await the day when these segregated prom stories won't have to be written anymore.


  1. Anonymous2:01 PM


  2. And Darren, i wonder if the idiot above would insist that white contestants be allowed to participate in the black-only beauty contests that still exist in this country?

    Or does he think that is different?

  3. "Guess what happened to my senior prom? It never happened at all, canceled by song-fighting. We the diverse and contentious student body of a recently desegregated public high school, couldn’t agree on which band would play what kind of dance music (white or black, basically) and the obvious compromise of having two bands — one at each end of the ballroom as we’d done for the junior prom — hadn’t solved anything and wasn’t any fun.

    The one thing it turned out our schooling gave us in common then, was learning that lesson the hard way. . ."

  4. Such events should come as little surprise considering the hoops colleges jump through to give minorities separate everything -- all in the name of "making them feel comfortable." For the Left, this is "good" separatism.

    That being said, my senior prom was sort of segregated for the same reason as JJ noted. We were a recently desegregated district and no consensus could be attained on the type of music. So we settled for two separate ballrooms, one with a rock band, and the other with a R&B DJ.

  5. I don't understand. I thought if we forced people into our prescribed groupings they would magically like each other.
