Saturday, May 02, 2009

Saturday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
The Rubicon. (Sometimes I'm surprised--questions, like this one, get lots of correct answers when I think they'll get few, and others get one or two when I think they're easy. Most interesting.)

Today's question is:
What is the official language of Brazil?


  1. I'm pretty sure that it is Portuguese, but I bet that someone will guess Spanish.

  2. PeggyU9:03 PM


  3. James Taylor9:52 PM

    ...romantic language of the Portuguese...

    ("Only a Dream in Rio" from That's Why I'm Here)

  4. I know a few people from there who speak: Portuguese

  5. The Brazilian version of Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. It bears about as much resemblance to the Portuguese spoken in Portugal as the Spanish spoken in Mexico bears to the Spanish spoken in Spain, or for that matter the English spoken in America as compared to the English spoken in the United Kingdom.
