Friday, May 29, 2009

Listen To Them Squeal!

Women outnumber men at our universities. Women outnumber men in the earning of bachelor's degrees. Universities have "women's centers" but not "men's centers". Universities have clubs and organizations specifically for women but not for men.

What happens when one man creates a men's advocacy group at the University of Chicago? Let the howls of "misogynist" begin!

A third-year student from Lake Bluff has formed Men in Power, a student organization that promises to help men get ahead professionally. But the group's emergence has been controversial, with some critics charging that its premise is misogynistic...

Similarly, Ali Feenstra, a third-year student and a member of the Feminist Majority, questioned Men in Power's utility.

"It's like starting 'white men in business' -- there's not really any purpose," she said.

Note to Ms. Feenstra, et. al.: The fact that this group exists takes nothing away from you and/or your groups at all. Stop the hate, stop the bigotry--starting with your own.


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    You're the one squealing.

  2. More males are out of work now than females. More men drop out of college than women and more women attend college than men. More boys are funneled into special education, more boys drop out, more boys commit suicide. How can anyone male or female not see that we have a problem here? And if someone is so narrow minded that they would penalize a support group from forming, then I would question their true humanitarian claims. Frankly, so many boys are growing up in female only households that groups that teach them how to become good men should be welcomed. If this is biased then what of the many support groups aimed at and funded heavily for women alone?

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    there was one statement that a female made in the article that i found ironic. she herself was part of a group for helping females in business, but she pointed out that there are 5 or 6 gender nuetral groups about business that the males should be happy with.

    wait, what? the females don't have to be happy with gender nuetral groups but the males do? that's silliness and her own argument could be used against her.

