Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It Took A Study To Figure This Out?

This study probably came via a grant of taxpayer dollars, and tells us nothing that high school teachers don't already know:

Six-year-olds who don't pay attention well in class apparently struggle throughout their school years, and reach age 17 with lower math and reading scores than their peers, a new study shows.

The study, by researchers from UC Davis Medical School and Michigan State University, dovetails with earlier findings that show attention problems can hinder a child's performance throughout grade school.



  1. I read the article today, and my first thought was, "How many hours until this shows up on Darren's blog?"

    In related news, the same team is seeking grants to see whether there is any correlation between not attending class and performance. If those results appear promising, they may try to find a relationship between homework and test scores.

  2. not always true......

    i was a complete idiot through 3rd grade and couldn't focus or pay attention to anything.......

    ....come high school; i was near top of my class....

    ....and im currently in top 15% of my class at the University of Arizona with Magna Cum Laude standing.

  3. Whomever approved this study wasn't paying attention.

  4. And in breaking news, kids who don't brush their teeth often get cavities. I love it when they use government money to fund studies that confirm what we already know.
