Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
Thomas Jefferson. (I guess I could have specified that I was looking for the person on the front of the bill. Smart aleck.)

Today's question is:
How many Super Bowl rings does Joe Montana have?


  1. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Sorry, I couldn't for the life of me remember who was on the front! Haha. I haven't the foggiest about Joe Montana, though. :p

  2. My guess is three, and Steve Young has two.
    Maybe it's the other way around?
    I liked Montana better.

  3. MAJ K7:55 AM

    4 rings. Along with Terry Bradshaw, the only quarterback in Super Bowl history to have won 4 Super Bowls.

  4. Steve Young has 4 . . . 3 as a backup.
