Thursday, May 07, 2009

Banning Viagra Commercials

Should commercials for erectile dysfunction drugs play only late at night, when kids likely won't see them?

Is there anything prurient in them? If it's just body parts we're talking about, why shouldn't commercials for feminine hygiene products also show only late at night?

I don't really care if you have that "not so fresh feeling" or if you can't get it up. This proposal strikes me as too nanny-state-y.

Thanks for the post idea, Dustin.


  1. I have hated the idea that so many private things have to be shared publicly. I am sure that I could find whatever products I wanted or needed without advertising. And that include sanitary napkins, tampons, Depends, viagra and a whole weird variety of male "enhancements."

  2. I really, really wish they wouldn't play those commercials except late at night, if they have to play them at all. I especially object to Cialis, because one of their commercials goes into just shy of explicit details like "When it lasts longer" and stuff like that.

    The other one I absolutely despise is the Viva Viagra song. Listen, when I was a little kid, Elvis was all the rage, especially after he died. I'm pretty sure Elvis would be horrified that a song of his is being used in this way. This song gets stuck in your head. I don't want my 4 y/o going around singing it. I don't want to explain to my 11 and 8 y/o daughters what Viagra does for men.

  3. My favorite part is the side effects they reel off. Stop if you *whole list of things* "have vision problems..." So it _will_ make you go blind.

  4. I don't think the commercials are the same. Feminine hygiene product commercials aren't using graphic language and aren't about sex. It would be nice to watch the occasional evening program (which there are nearly none on free TV) with my elementary school age kids without having to be ready to change the channel during explicit commercials whether for "erectile' problems or steamy sex scenes. We all differ on this, but I think most people don't want their seven year old to ask what erectile dysfunction is. My opinion is mainly focused on free TV - cable/satellite can have different standards since it is a choice to have it, which I do not.

  5. I'm still upset that they stopped using mannequins for the bra ads!!

  6. Oh, this is one area where I'd love some governmental intervention, though I do fear it is a slippery slope. I wish people would complain to the companies who do the advertising and to the stations that accept and play the advertising.

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I agree 100% that I don't want to have to explain what 'erectile disfunction' is to my small children. These ads are on non-stop and definitely influences my decision to limit TV time for my children. I like the idea of complaining to the companies about these commercials. That last thing we need is more government intervention in our lives - they so rarely get it right.

  8. Here's a question-if we are talking about taste and propriety, does the "Victoria's Secret" Christmas Show seems tacky? And what about that weird astrology show on Univision where it seems to be part strip-a-thon and part bondage? Or the other odd show with people of many various genders answering questions-or at least I think that's what they are doing. It does seem like there needs to be oversight on all stations, not just the English language ones.
