Friday, April 03, 2009

Friday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
2004. Hard to believe it's been 5 years....

Today's question is:
How many planets in our solar system are closer to the sun than Earth is?


  1. If we're the 3rd planet, I guess that means 2 are closer...

  2. Darren,
    2, we're the third rock from the sun.

  3. PeggyU8:48 PM

    This must be a trick ... I'd say 2, but that seems too easy.

  4. pseudotsuga10:18 PM

    That would be Mercury and Venus, wouldn't it?

  5. MAJ K5:34 AM

    2: Mercury and Venus

  6. Is this a trick question?
    Mercury and Venus.
    Two (2)

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I've read this at least five times, looking for some trick in the wording. No way it can be that simple. But, you asked for planets closer to the sun than the Earth; not moons, asteroids, comets, or other celestial bodies. There are two planets closer to the sun, Mercury and Venus.

    How about asking how many "official" planets there are? (Eight). Or how many known moons there are orbiting all those planets? That would take some research to find!

  8. I believe it is 2. Mercury is the closest, followed by Venus. Then comes the Earth.
