Tuesday, April 28, 2009

CTA Racists

I've written before, as recently as last week, about what a racist organization the California Teachers Association is. Here's another. And another. And another. And another.

Not surprisingly, they're at it again.

Today I received my April 2009 issue of California Educator, the CTA's "fair and balanced" magazine. The centerfold is a poster, no doubt suitable for hanging, celebrating California's Day of the Teacher. Since the CTA likes us to focus so much on race, let's look at the 6 people depicted in this poster (view it online here) and see if CTA is celebrating diversity.

One adult is shown. She appears to be a tanned white woman or perhaps a Hispanic. Of the five children shown, two appear to be white girls, one appears to be a white (or perhaps Asian) girl, one is a black boy, and one is an Asian boy. So what's the problem? There's not a white male to be seen in the entire poster. That can't be acceptable, can it? Can it?

I've brought this up before.


  1. I agree with you 99 percent of the time but I think you might be seeing too much red here. In a state where whites are only 31 percent of the under-18 population and Hispanics 49 percent (mostly Mexicans), I would expect if any race would have more than one representative it would be the Hispanics. Granted, not everyone in Mexico has dark hair and brown skin, so any of those girls could be Mexican, but you'd think if they were trying to be PC they would be more representative of the population of California as a whole. Since I doubt they over-represented whites on purpose, I doubt they excluded white males on purpose either. I think it's just a rare case of the artist NOT thinking about race for a change when designing the poster.

  2. If it happened only once, I might agree. When it happens repeatedly, I'm not so sure.

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Dude, don't you know... unless you're gay, white males are supposed to be invisible. Just pay your taxes and union dues and stay quietly in the background. There are millions of Californians depending on you to do this.

  4. I'm going with, if you had to consider who to put into the picture, at all, you're racist. And, if you had to count them up afterward, you're either a) racist, b) argumentative, or c) both

    (Darren is (b), by the way, and many of us find it endearing.

  5. I only count it up because I want to show that CTA is racist. This one poster doesn't prove it, but the weight of evidence in the links I provided is rather compelling.

  6. Darren, I owe you an apology. I just got my CTA Educator yesterday, and when you said poster, I assumed 'photograph of actual classroom.' The fact that it's a painting -- I don't know if you're right about the intent, but the absence IS glaring. Especially since 67% of the people shown are women. And three out of four of them appear to be white, so apparently that's not the issue. Then, you want to get into stereotypes? The vaguely hispanic one is playing soccer. The black child is painting, not studying. (Is it any wonder they do so poorly on the exit exam? ;-)) And the Asian kid is reading. Funny also that of the five students, three (one is graduating)are not engaged in academic subjects.

    But, in fairness, I think I figured it out -- it's done poorly, but I think the caucasian girl is the graduate and the teacher as well . . . if so, you had a coin flip ast to which sex to choose. And women are certainly purtier to look at . . .
