Wednesday, April 15, 2009

CTA Gets An Early Start on the May Special Election

So says the major Sacramento newspaper:

The California Teachers Association launched a television ad Wednesday backing Propositions 1A and 1B, the first television spot of the special election campaign.

The ads will run starting Wednesday for a week in the Los Angeles-area media market before launching statewide, according to CTA consultant Gale Kaufman. Its committee previously launched two radio ads statewide. CTA has contributed $5 million toward the Yes on 1A &1B committee so far.

Here's how that same paper describes 1A and 1B.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason I am glad I took your advice and resigned from CTA and my local unit. CTA is supporting a measure that I am against.

    Seems as if we are on a road to governmental collapse, at least here in CA.
