Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bargain Hunting For A College Education

What's next, coupons?

Forget about campus housing. Or a meal plan, or a gym with a climbing wall. This program is about the basics – core courses at a bare-bones satellite campus. But the price is less than one-third of what it costs for tuition and room and board at the main campus in Manchester...

Shopping for value is "in" these days – especially when it comes to big-ticket items like a college education. Public universities and community colleges traditionally have represented low-cost options. But now, some private colleges – and at least one state's public program – are trying to come up with cheaper pathways to a degree.

Let's see how much their "student activity fees" are, although I admit the main point above is a great start. Sort of makes you wonder why places haven't been doing it all along, though, doesn't it?

Via NewsAlert.

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