Monday, March 02, 2009

Right and Wrong vs. Good and Evil

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

We on the right think we're right. The left thinks they're righteous.
We on the right think they're wrong. They think we're evil.

President Obama sure seems to be playing along with that line of reasoning:

Obama has an obsessive need to find enemies against whom to campaign. When Obama's presidency is over, hopefully in four years (but likely eight years) there will be two sets of psychologists: Those who provide therapy to the American population which has seen its life savings and economic system destroyed, and those who analyze the psychosis of the Demonizer-in-Chief...

Other presidents have been accused of using "enemies" as a political rallying point. Almost invariably, however, these enemies have been foreign (the "evil empire" and "axis of evil"). Obama is the first president "in my adult life" to set American against American, to create enemies at home as a political rallying point, to create a climate in which law-abiding American citizens are singled out as being worthy of attack.

Yep, Barack has met the enemy, and he is us.


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    No worries, the ever humble, non-righteous, and well-balanced Rush has taken the reigns. Obama doesn't stand a chance against such a statesman.

  2. I don't quite accept HuffPo's telling me who's got the reins of the conservative movement.

    But clearly you want to compare the President's actions to Limbaugh's. Do you really want to do that? Really?

  3. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Oh well, I never accepted the paranoid premise you proposed in the first place. I should have said that before.

    Its intent was to serve as a distraction from the reality that looms before the right wing. They face a lost generation if any good comes of Obama's handling of the economy. Repubs must do what they can to keep the country from getting back up on its feet, or they'll be in the wilderness for several presidential terms.

    And Rush is the leader of the Repubs. Name a few elected Repubs that have denounced Rush without begging his forgiveness within days. No one dare stand against the almighty Rush.

    Admonish me all you like for comparing Rush to Obama. But the sad truth is Rush is all you've got. If it lightens your mood, rest assured that I will donate to the Limbaugh/Palin 2012 Campaign.

    But don't forget: Obama's The Decider now!

  4. As was said in the best B movie of all time, Megaforce: It's all on the wheel; it all comes around.

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

    > But don't forget: Obama's The Decider now!

    Har! Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid obviously aren't resigned to that state of affairs. And of course Obama's centrification, as tough a pill as it has been to swallow for some of his more hysterical supporters isn't going to change very much. Oh, he'll try to move to the left, that being his preferred direction, but when he meets resistance he'll do what he's done before with his supporters when it was expedient - abandon them.

  6. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Yes, the right just thinks the left is wrong. That is why you dont see anyone on the right refer to Obama as the Antichrist. or Hitler...

    Sorry.. I was kidding!

  7. You're being intentionally obtuse.

  8. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Limbaugh vs the elected Republican "leadership"... It really is quite delicious.

    I'm popping an extra batch of popcorn.

  9. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Donalbain, we only refer to Obama as the Antichrist because the Left thinks he is the Messiah!

  10. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Thank you for not addressing the point.

  11. Sometimes, Donalbain, I'm compelled to think that your only point is the one at the top of your cap.

  12. I have faith in history. That means that at some point someone in the Democrat party is going to get greedy for power. At that point, internal struggle starts to decay the unity. Right now, I think Pelosi is getting under Obama's skin. She's made him look foolish by passing through a bill unseen that is loaded with pork. This flies in the face of Obama's promise for government transparency and in the end he will bear the blame if and when it fails. There are already murmurings at my school among the trendy liberals who voted for Obama based on little more than the coolness factor. They had no idea of his socialist leanings and now they are wondering what the heck is going on. There's going to need to be some serious mental health counseling before this is all over.

  13. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Thank you for not addressing the point.

    I'm not sure if this was addressed at me, but my answer didn't address your point because I just wanted to have a little fun. If we can't laugh at our politicians, who can we laugh at?
